Do you use direct with a Tiptel phone with serial interface that is connected to your Mac via a USB serial adapter?

Then you need a driver for this adapter.

Support from your vendor

Because of the large number of available USB serial adapters, we cannot support these adapters and their drivers. Please always contact your vendor where you purchased the adapter, or the adaptor's manufacturer.

In addition, we have collected all information that we know about the USB serial adapter drivers on this page. Many questions of our customers can be answered with this information.

USB driver information for the current macOS release

USB driver information for older macOS releases

Neue Treiber für macOS Monterey (12)?

Bei vergangenen Betriebssystem-Updates berichteten manche Kunden, dass ihr direct nach dem Update nicht mehr funktionierte.

In einigen Fällen lag dies nur daran, dass der Treiber des USB-Seriell-Adapters nach dem Betriebssystem-Update neu installiert werden muss. In anderen Fällen war jedoch auch eine neue Treiberversion erforderlich.

Dies ist möglicherweise beim Update auf macOS Monterey wieder der Fall.

Da die Hersteller der Adapter oft nur spärliche Informationen über die Treiberversionen und die jeweilige Betriebssystemunterstützung geben, empfehlen wir, das Update auf macOS Monterey dazu zu nutzen, auch den Treiber Ihres USB-Seriell-Adapters zu aktualisieren. Dies selbst dann, wenn Ihre bisherige Treiberversion auch unter macOS Monterey zu laufen scheint.

Hardwaretreiber auf Macs mit Apple-Prozessoren

Historisch wurden Hardwaretreiber als Kernel-Erweiterung oder "Kext" entwickelt. Seit macOS Catalina (10.15) gilt dieses Verfahren als veraltet und Apple hat neuere Verfahren zur Entwicklung von Hardwaretreibern zur Verfügung gestellt.

Hinweis: Die folgende Information bezieht sich noch auf macOS Big Sur (11).
Wir sind momentan dabei, die Sachlage für macOS Monterey (12) zu prüfen.

Mit Stand März 2021 handelt es sich bei allen drei uns bekannten Treibern der USB-Seriell-Adapter noch um ältere Kernel-Erweiterungen (FTDI 2.4.4, Tripp Lite 4.0b4, Prolific 2.0.0).

Unter macOS Big Sur (11) auf Macs mit Intel-Prozessoren funktionieren weiterhin beide Arten von Hardwaretreibern (die älteren und die neueren).

Auf Macs mit Apple-Prozessoren hingegen können Kernel-Erweiterungen nur noch dann installiert werden, wenn die Sicherheitseinstellungen für das Startvolume reduziert werden. Bei der Installation des Treibers kommt es dann zu einer entsprechenden Warnmeldung. Siehe:

ilink unterstützt Sie nicht bei der Inbetriebnahme oder Verwendung von Treibern mit reduzierten Sicherheitseinstellungen für das Startvolume. Im Zweifelsfall empfehlen wir, mit dem Umstieg auf einen Mac mit Apple-Prozessor zu warten, bis der Hersteller Ihres USB-Seriell-Adapters einen entsprechenden neuen Treiber bereitgestellt hat.

macOS verlangt eine Bestätigung, ehe neue Hardwaretreiber geladen werden

Seit macOS High Sierra ist eine Bestätigung des Anwenders erforderlich, ehe neue Hardwaretreiber geladen werden.

Wenn das System das erste Mal versucht, den neuen Treiber zu laden, öffnet sich ein Warnhinweis. Je nach Treiber kann dies während der Installation des Treibers passieren, nach dem nächsten Neustart des Systems oder wenn Sie den USB-Seriell-Adapter das erste Mal verbinden. Sie müssen dann die Systemeinstellungen / Abschnitt Sicherheit öffnen und dort das Laden des Treibers bestätigen.

Sie müssen diese Bestätigung nur einmal vornehmen. Falls bereits eine ältere Version des Treibers auf Ihrem Computer installiert war, ehe Sie das Update auf ihr derzeitiges macOS-Release durchgeführt haben, ist unter Umständen keine Bestätigung erforderlich.

Potentielle Probleme:

  • Die Möglichkeit zur Bestätigung ist in den Systemeinstellungen nur 30 Minuten lang sichtbar. Wenn Sie zu lang warten, können Sie die Bestätigung nicht mehr vornehmen. Versuchen Sie, den USB-Seriell-Adapter von Ihrem Rechner abzuziehen und wieder zu verbinden, gehen Sie auf die Hauptseite der Systemeinstellungen und dann wieder in den Abschnitt Sicherheit. Nun ist die Möglichkeit zur Bestätigung möglicherweise wieder sichtbar.
  • Der Warnhinweis öffnet sich nur beim ersten Mal, wenn das System den Treiber laden möchte. Wenn Sie das Laden zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht bestätigten, wird es in Zukunft keinen entsprechenden Warnhinweis mehr geben (die Möglichkeit zur Bestätigung in den Systemeinstellungen wird jedoch wieder auftauchen).
  • Möglicherweise müssen Sie direct beenden und den USB-Seriell-Adapter von Ihrem Rechner abziehen und wieder verbinden, nachdem Sie das Laden des Treibers bestätigt haben.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der (englischsprachigen) Apple Technical Note TN2459 User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading.


Überprüfen Sie zunächst, was für einen USB-Seriell-Adapter Sie verwenden. Wichtig ist hierbei nicht der Hersteller des Adapters (von denen gibt es viele), sondern der Hersteller des Adapter-Chipsatzes.

Uns sind Adapter mit Chipsätzen von drei Herstellern bekannt: FTDI, Keyspan und Prolific.

Gehen Sie nach der Anleitung am Ende dieser Seite vor um herauszufinden, was für einen USB-Seriell-Adapter Sie verwenden.


Wenn Sie einen Adapter mit FTDI-Chipsatz verwenden (z.B. von DeLock oder Digitus), installieren Sie bitte die aktuelle Treiberversion von FTDI.

Hier ist die (englischsprachige) Überblicksseite von FTDI.

Mit Stand Oktober 2021 gibt es bei FTDI:

  • Treiberversion 1.4.7 (Beta) für macOS 10.15 und 11
  • (sowie Treiber für ältere macOS-Versionen)
Verwendung unter macOS Monterey (12)
Wir sind momentan dabei, dies zu prüfen.


Wenn Sie einen Keyspan-Adapter (USA-19HS) verwenden, installieren Sie bitte die aktuelle Treiberversion des Herstellers Tripp Lite.

Hier ist die (englischsprachige) Downloadseite von Tripp Lite.

Mit Stand Oktober 2021 gibt es bei Tripp Lite:

  • Einen Treiber (Betaversion) for macOS 11.4
  • (sowie Treiber für ältere macOS-Versionen)
Verwendung unter macOS Monterey (12)
Wir waren bislang nicht in der Lage, den Keyspan-Treiber erfolgreich unter macOS Monterey in Betrieb zu nehmen.


Wenn Sie einen Adapter mit Prolific-Chipsatz verwenden (z.B. von Manhattan oder Hama), installieren Sie bitte die aktuelle Treiberversion von Prolific.

Hier ist die (englischsprachige) Überblicksseite von Prolific (wenn Sie aufgefordert werden sich einzuloggen, verwenden Sie GUEST als Username und als Passwort). Klicken Sie dort auf den Link zu "PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers".

Mit Stand Oktober 2021 gibt es bei Prolific:

  • Treiberversion 2.1.0 für macOS 10.x und 11
  • (sowie Treiber für ältere macOS-Versionen)
Verwendung unter macOS Monterey (12)
Die Treiberversion 2.1.0 lässt sich auf Macs mit Intel-Prozessoren unter macOS Big Sur installieren und funktioniert dort auch wie gewünscht.

Hinweis: Wir haben den Treiber noch nicht auf Macs mit Apple-Prozessoren getestet.

Bitte beachten Sie den Hinweis zur benötigten Bestätigung zum Laden neuer Hardwaretreiber.

Welchen USB-Seriell-Adapter habe ich?

Hinweis: Die folgende Information bezieht sich noch auf macOS Big Sur (11).
Wir sind momentan dabei zu prüfen, wie man dies unter macOS Monterey (12) ermittelt.

Hier sind zwei Wege, um das Modell Ihres USB-Seriell-Adapters bzw. den zugehörigen Treiber herauszufinden.


Wenn der Treiber des Adapters bereits installiert ist, wird er im macOS-Systembericht angezeigt.

Wählen Sie im Apfel-Menü den Punkt Über diesen Mac und klicken Sie im macOS Big Sur-Fenster auf Systembericht .... Schauen Sie dort unter Software > Erweiterungen nach.

Die drei Treiber werden unter den folgenden Namen angezeigt:

  • FTDIUSBSerialDriver
  • KeyspanUSAdriver
  • ProlificUsbSerial


Wenn der Adapter angeschlossen ist, wird der Hersteller des Adapters und des Chipsatzes unter Umständen macOS-Systembericht angezeigt.

Wählen Sie im Apfel-Menü den Punkt Über diesen Mac und klicken Sie im macOS Big Sur-Fenster auf Systembericht .... Schauen Sie dort unter Hardware > USB nach.

New driver for macOS Big Sur?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to macOS Big Sur as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we recommend to use the update to macOS Big Sur to also update your USB serial adapter's driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under macOS Big Sur.

Hardware drivers on Macs with Apple processors

Historically, hardware drivers were developed as kernel extension oder "kext". This method has been deprecated since macOS Catalina (10.15) and Apple has provided newer methods to develop hardware drivers.

As of March 2021, all three drivers of USB serial adapters that we are aware of (FTDI 2.4.4, Tripp Lite 4.0b4, Prolific 2.0.0) are still older kernel extensions.

On macOS Big Sur (11) on Macs with Intel processors, both types of hardware drivers (the older and newer ones) are still supported.

On Macs with Apple processors though, kernel extension can only be installed if the security policy on the startup disk is reduced. The installation of the driver will lead to a corresponding alert message. See:

ilink does not support you in the installation or use of drivers with reduced security policy on the startup disk. If in doubt, we recommend to wait with the switch to a Mac with Apple processor, until the vendor of your USB serial adapter has released an appropriate new driver.

macOS requires user approval to load new hardware drivers

Please note: since macOS High Sierra user approval is required before new hardware drivers are loaded.

A warning panel will pop up when the system tries to load the new driver for the first time. Depending on the driver this may be during driver installation, after the next system reboot, or when the USB serial adapter is first plugged in. At this time you will need to open System Preferences, select the Security & Privacy section, and click Allow.

You will only need to do this once. You may not have to do this at all if a previous version of the driver had already been installed on your computer before you upgraded to your current macOS release.

Possible pitfalls:

  • The approval UI in System Preferences will only be visible for 30 minutes. If you wait too long, you will no longer be able to approve loading of the driver. Try unplugging and reconnecting the USB serial adapter, then going back to the System Preferences main page, and then reopening the Security & Privacy section. This may cause the UI to reappear.
  • The warning panel will only pop up when the system tries to load the driver for the first time. If you did not approve then, no warning panel will be shown in the future (the approval UI in System Preferences will reappear though).
  • You may need to quit direct and unplug and reconnect the USB serial adapter after having approved loading of the driver.

See Apple Technical Note TN2459 User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading for details.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

Please use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of March 2021 FTDI offers:

  • Driver version 2.4.4 for macOS 10.9 and above
Usage with macOS Big Sur (11)
Driver version 2.4.4 can be installed under macOS Big Sur where it works as intended.

Please review the note on support of Macs with Apple processor.
Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's download page.

As of March 2021 Tripp Lite offers:

  • Driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 to 10.15
Usage with macOS Big Sur (11)
Driver version 4.0b4 can be installed under macOS Big Sur (the macOS system report displays version 4.0).

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Big Sur, please let us know.

Please review the note on support of Macs with Apple processor.
Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als both user name and password). Click on the link to PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers.

As of March 2021 Prolific offers:

  • Driver version 2.0.0 for macOS 10.9 to 10.15
  • Driver version 1.6.4 for macOS 10.9 to 10.15 (only for specific Prolific USB products)
Usage with macOS Big Sur (11)
Driver version 2.0.0 can be installed under macOS Big Sur where it works as intended (the macOS system report displays version 1.6.3).

Please review the note on support of Macs with Apple processor.
Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

We have not tested driver version 1.6.4.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

Here are two ways to identify what kind of USB serial adapter or corresponding hardware driver you are using.


If the adapter's driver already has been installed, it will be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Big Sur window. Look in Software > Extensions.

The three drivers will be displayed under the following names:

  • FTDIUSBSerialDriver
  • KeyspanUSAdriver
  • ProlificUsbSerial


If the adapter is connected, the manufacturer of the adaptor and of its chipset may be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Big Sur window. Look in Hardware > USB.

New driver for macOS Catalina?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to macOS Catalina as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we recommend to use the update to macOS Catalina to also update your USB serial adapter's driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under macOS Catalina.

macOS requires user approval to load new hardware drivers

Please note: since macOS High Sierra user approval is required before new hardware drivers are loaded.

A warning panel will pop up when the system tries to load the new driver for the first time. Depending on the driver this may be during driver installation, after the next system reboot, or when the USB serial adapter is first plugged in. At this time you will need to open System Preferences, select the Security & Privacy section, and click Allow.

You will only need to do this once. You may not have to do this at all if a previous version of the driver had already been installed on your computer before you upgraded to your current macOS release.

Possible pitfalls:

  • The approval UI in System Preferences will only be visible for 30 minutes. If you wait too long, you will no longer be able to approve loading of the driver. Try unplugging and reconnecting the USB serial adapter, then going back to the System Preferences main page, and then reopening the Security & Privacy section. This may cause the UI to reappear.
  • The warning panel will only pop up when the system tries to load the driver for the first time. If you did not approve then, no warning panel will be shown in the future (the approval UI in System Preferences will reappear though).
  • You may need to quit direct and unplug and reconnect the USB serial adapter after having approved loading of the driver.

See Apple Technical Note TN2459 User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading for details.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

Please use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of May 2020 FTDI offers:

  • driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above
  • driver version 2.2.18 for macOS 10.3 to 10.8

Usage with macOS Catalina (10.15)
Driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above can be installed under macOS Catalina where it works as intended.

Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's download page.

As of May 2020 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for macOS 10.12 to 10.14 (driver version 4.0b4)
  • a driver for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 (driver version 4)
  • a driver for macOS 10.7 to 10.8.x (driver version 3.0.757)
  • a driver for macOS 10.6 (also driver version 3.0.757)

Usage with macOS Catalina (10.15)
Driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 to 10.14 can be installed under macOS Catalina (the macOS system report displays version 4.0).

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Catalina, please let us know.

Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Note: Driver version 4 for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 could only be installed as long as the installer package was not located in a folder with space characters in its path name (!). This no longer seems to be a problem in the installer of driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 to 10.14.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als both user name and password). Click on the link to PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers.

As of May 2020 Prolific offers:

  • driver version 2.0.0 for macOS 10.9 to 10.15
  • driver version 1.5.1 for macOS 10.6 to 10.8

Usage with macOS Catalina (10.15)
Driver version 2.0.0 for macOS 10.9 to 10.15 can be installed under macOS Catalina where it works as intended (the macOS system report displays version 1.6.3).

Please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

Here are two ways to identify what kind of USB serial adapter or corresponding hardware driver you are using.


If the adapter's driver is installed, it will be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Catalina window. Look in Software > Extensions.

The three drivers will be displayed under the following names:

  • FTDIUSBSerialDriver
  • KeyspanUSAdriver
  • ProlificUsbSerial


If the adapter is connected, the manufacturer of the adaptor and of its chipset may be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Catalina window. Look in Hardware > USB.

New driver for macOS Mojave?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to macOS Mojave as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we recommend to use the update to macOS Mojave to also update your USB serial adapter's driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under macOS Mojave.

macOS Mojave requires user approval to load new hardware drivers

Please note: since macOS High Sierra user approval is required before new hardware drivers are loaded.

A warning panel will pop up when the system tries to load the new driver for the first time. Depending on the driver this may be during driver installation, after the next system reboot, or when the USB serial adapter is first plugged in. At this time you will need to open System Preferences, select the Security & Privacy section, and click Allow.

You will only need to do this once. You may not have to do this at all if a previous version of the driver had already been installed on your computer before you upgraded to macOS Mojave.

Possible pitfalls:

  • The approval UI in System Preferences will only be visible for 30 minutes. If you wait too long, you will no longer be able to approve loading of the driver. Try unplugging and reconnecting the USB serial adapter, then going back to the System Preferences main page, and then reopening the Security & Privacy section. This may cause the UI to reappear.
  • The warning panel will only pop up when the system tries to load the driver for the first time. If you did not approve then, no warning panel will be shown in the future (the approval UI in System Preferences will reappear though).
  • You may need to quit direct and unplug and reconnect the USB serial adapter after having approved loading of the driver.

See Apple Technical Note TN2459 (User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading) for details.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

Please use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of September 2018 FTDI offers:

  • driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above
  • driver version 2.2.18 for macOS 10.3 to 10.8

Usage with macOS Mojave (10.14)
Driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above can be installed under macOS Mojave where it works as intended.

But please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's download page.

As of September 2018 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for macOS 10.12 Beta and 10.13 (driver version 4.0b4)
  • a driver for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 (driver version 4)
  • a driver for macOS 10.7 to 10.8.x (driver version 3.0.757)
  • a driver for macOS 10.6 (also driver version 3.0.757)

Usage with macOS Mojave (10.14)
Driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 Beta and 10.13 can be installed under macOS Mojave (the macOS system report displays version 4.0).

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Mojave, please let us know.

In any case please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Note: Driver version 4 for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 could only be installed as long as the installer package was not located in a folder with space characters in its path name (!). This no longer seems to be a problem in the installer of driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 Beta und 10.13.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als both user name and password). Click on the link to PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers.

As of September 2018 Prolific offers:

  • driver version 1.6.1 for macOS 10.9 to 10.13

Usage with macOS Mojave (10.14)
Driver version 1.6.1 for macOS 10.9 to 10.13 can be installed under macOS Mojave (the macOS system report displays version 1.6.0).

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Mojave, please let us know.

In any case please review the note on the required user approval to load new hardware drivers.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

Here are two ways to identify what kind of USB serial adapter or corresponding hardware driver you are using.


If the adapter's driver is installed, it will be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Mojave window. Look in Software > Extensions.

The three drivers will be displayed under the following names:

  • FTDIUSBSerialDriver
  • KeyspanUSAdriver
  • ProlificUsbSerial


If the adapter is connected, the manufacturer of the adaptor and of its chipset may be displayed in the macOS system report.

Choose About This Mac from the Apple menu and click on System Report... in the macOS Mojave window. Look in Hardware > USB.

New driver for macOS High Sierra?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to macOS High Sierra as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we recommend to use the update to macOS High Sierra to also update your USB serial adapter's driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under macOS High Sierra.

macOS High Sierra requires user approval to load new hardware drivers

Please note: macOS High Sierra introduced a new security feature that requires user approval before loading new hardware drivers.

A warning panel will pop up when the system tries to load the new driver for the first time. Depending on the driver this may be during driver installation, after the next system reboot, or when the USB serial adapter is first plugged in. At this time you will need to open System Preferences, select the Security & Privacy section, and click Allow.

You will only need to do this once. You may not have to do this at all if a previous version of the driver had already been installed on your computer before you upgraded to macOS High Sierra.

Possible pitfalls:

  • The approval UI in System Preferences will only be visible for 30 minutes. If you wait too long, you will no longer be able to approve loading of the driver. Try unplugging and reconnecting the USB serial adapter, then going back to the System Preferences main page, and then reopening the Security & Privacy section. This may cause the UI to reappear.
  • The warning panel will only pop up when the system tries to load the driver for the first time. If you did not approve then, no warning panel will be shown in the future (the approval UI in System Preferences will reappear though).
  • You may need to quit direct and unplug and reconnect the USB serial adapter after having approved loading of the driver.

See Apple Technical Note TN2459 (User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading) for details.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

Please use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of October 2017 FTDI offers:

  • driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above
  • driver version 2.2.18 for macOS 10.3 to 10.8

Usage with macOS High Sierra (10.13)
Driver version 2.4.2 for macOS 10.9 and above can be installed under macOS High Sierra where it works as intended.

But please review the note on the required user approval under macOS High Sierra.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's overview page. We found the current drivers of the USA-19HS by searching by model number for "USA" (searching for "USA-19HS" did not yield any results).

As of October 2017 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for macOS 10.12 Beta (driver version 4.0b4),
  • a driver for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 (driver version 4),
  • a driver for macOS 10.7 to 10.8.x (driver version 3.0.757),
  • a driver for macOS 10.6 (also driver version 3.0.757), as well as
  • various drivers for older macOS releases

Usage with macOS High Sierra (10.13)
Driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 Beta can be installed under macOS High Sierra.

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS High Sierra, please let us know.

In any case please review the note on the required user approval under macOS High Sierra.

Note: Driver version 4 for macOS 10.9 to 10.11 could only be installed as long as the installer package was not located in a folder with space characters in its path name (!). This no longer seems to be a problem in the installer of driver version 4.0b4 for macOS 10.12 Beta.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als user name and password). Click on the link to PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers.

As of October 2017 Prolific offers:

  • driver version 1.6.1 for macOS 10.9 to 10.13

Usage with macOS High Sierra (10.13)
Driver version 1.6.1 for macOS 10.9 to 10.13 can be installed under macOS Sierra.

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Sierra, please let us know.

In any case please review the note on the required user approval under macOS High Sierra.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

There are various ways to try to find out what kind of USB serial adapters or what driver you are using.


The easiest way, of course, would be if you would remember, or would find the driver's installer package ;-)


If the adapter is connected to your Mac, the adapter's manufacturer as well as the chip set may be displayed in System Information (Apple menu -> About this Mac -> System Report...). Please check under Hardware / USB.


The third option is to look for the installed driver. Typically the driver is located in /System/Library/Extensions.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdriver.kext", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "ProlificUsbSerial.kext", a Prolific driver is installed.

Depending on your driver's version, the kext file name may not be identical to this, but it should at least be similar.


    If you have purchased direct from TKR before March 2008, you are likely using an adapter from Manhattan, which uses a Prolific chip.

    If you have purchased direct from TKR in March 2008 or later, you are likely using an adapter from DeLock or Digitus, both of which use an FTDI chip.

New driver for macOS Sierra?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to macOS Sierra as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we recommend to use the update to macOS Sierra to also update your USB serial adapter's driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under macOS Sierra.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

Please use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of September 2016 FTDI offers:

  • driver version 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.9 and above
  • driver version 2.2.18 for Mac OS X 10.3 to 10.8

Usage with macOS Sierra (10.12)
Driver version 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.9 and above can be installed under macOS Sierra where it works as intended.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's overview page. We found the current drivers of the USA-19HS by searching by model number for "USB" (searching for "USB-19HS did not yield any results).

As of June 2017 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.9 to 10.11 (driver version 4),
  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.8.x (driver version 3.0.757),
  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.6 (also driver version 3.0.757), as well as
  • various drivers for older Mac OS X releases

Usage with macOS Sierra (10.12)
Driver version 4 for Mac OS X 10.9 to 10.11 can be installed under macOS Sierra as well as long as you do not put the the installer package into a folder with space characters in its path name (!)

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Sierra, please let us know.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als user name and password). Click on the link to PL2303 USB to Serial Drivers.

As of September 2016 Prolific offers:

  • driver version 1.6.1 for Mac OS X 10.9 to 10.11

Usage with macOS Sierra (10.12)
Driver version 1.6.1 for Mac OS X 10.9 to 10.11 can be installed under macOS Sierra as well.

We did not verify that this driver actually works but we assume it does. If you successfully use this driver with macOS Sierra, please let us know.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

There are various ways to try to find out what kind of USB serial adapters or what driver you are using.


The easiest way, of course, would be if you would remember, or would find the driver's installer package ;-)


If the adapter is connected to your Mac, the adapter's manufacturer as well as the chip set may be displayed in System Information (Apple menu -> About this Mac -> System Report...). Please check under Hardware / USB.


The third option is to look for the installed driver. Typically the driver is located in /System/Library/Extensions.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdriver.kext", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "ProlificUsbSerial.kext", a Prolific driver is installed.

Depending on your driver's version, the kext file name may not be identical to this, but it should at least be similar.


    If you have purchased direct from TKR before March 2008, you are likely using an adapter from Manhattan, which uses a Prolific chip.

    If you have purchased direct from TKR in March 2008 or later, you are likely using an adapter from DeLock or Digitus, both of which use an FTDI chip.

New driver for OS X Mavericks?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to OS X Mavericks as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we always recommend to use the update to OS X Mavericks to also update your USB serial adapter' driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under OS X Mavericks.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

For some adapters TKR provides a support page (german language) with pictures of the adaptors.

Alternatively you can use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of October 2013 FTDI offers:

  • driver version 2.2.18
    The three links for the different hardware architectures actually all point to the same driver, so it doesn't matter which link you use.
  • The downloaded disk image contains two installer packages, please use the package for Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.7 named FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7.mpkg.

Usage with OS X Mavericks (10.9) and OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
This package can be installed under OS X Mavericks and Mountain Lion and works as intended.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR in March 2008 or later, you are likely using an adapter from DeLock or Digitus, both of which use an FTDI chip.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's overview page. We needed to do a search by model number (left tab of the search form) for "USA-19HS" in order to find the current drivers.

As of October 2013 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.6 to 10.8 (driver version 2.6.4) and
  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.2.8 to 10.5 (driver version 2.5)

Usage with OS X Mavericks (10.9)
The driver version 2.6.4 can be installed under OS X Mavericks and works as intended.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als user name and password).

As of October 2013 Prolific offers:

  • driver version 1.5.1 for Mac OS X 10.6 to 10.8

Usage with OS X Mavericks (10.9)
The driver version 1.5.1 can be installed under OS X Mavericks but we have not verified that it actually works (we assume it does, though). If you successfully use this driver with OS X Mavericks, please let us know.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR before March 2008, you are likely using an adapter from Manhattan, which uses a Prolific chip.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

There are various ways to try to find out what kind of USB serial adapters or what driver you are using.


The easiest way, of course, would be if you would remember, or would find the driver's installer package ;-)


If the adapter is connected to your Mac, the adapter's manufacturer as well as the chip set may be displayed in System Profiler (Apple menu -> About this Mac -> More Information). Please check under Hardware / USB.


The third option is to look for the installed driver. Typically the driver is located in /System/Library/Extensions.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdriver.kext", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "ProlificUsbSerial.kext", a Prolific driver is installed.

Depending on your driver's version, the kext file name may not be identical to this, but it should at least be similar.

New driver for OS X Mountain Lion?

After past OS updates, some customers reported that direct no longer worked after the upgrade.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needed to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version was required.

This might be the case with the update to OS X Mountain Lion as well.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we always recommend to use the update to OS X Mountain Lion to also update your USB serial adapter' driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under OS X Mountain Lion.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

For some adapters TKR provides a support page (german language) with pictures of the adaptors.

Alternatively you can use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page.

As of July 2012 FTDI offers:

  • a disk image with drivers for Mac OS X 10.3 and for 10.4 to 10.7 (disk image version 2.2.17).
    The three links for the different hardware architectures actually all point to the same driver, so it doesn't matter which link you use.

The downloaded disk image contains two installer packages, please use the package named FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6_10_7.mpkg.

Usage with OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
This package can also be installed under OS X Mountain Lion and works as intended.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not yet been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR in March 2008 or later, you are likely using an adapter from DeLock or Digitus, both of which use an FTDI chip.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's overview page. We needed to do a search by model number (top right) for "USA-19HS" in order to find the current drivers.

As of July 2012 Tripp Lite offers:

  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.2.8 bis 10.5 (driver version 2.5),
  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.6 (driver version 2.6.4), and
  • a beta driver for Mac OS X 10.7 (driver version 2.6.b5).

Usage with OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
The driver version 2.6.b5 can also be installed under OS X Mountain Lion but we have not verified that it actually works (we assume it does, though). If you successfully use this driver with OS X Mountain Lion, please let us know.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not yet been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page (if you are asked to log in, please use GUEST als user name and password).

As of July 2012 Prolific offers:

  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.1 bis 10.5 (driver version 1.2.1r2) and
  • a driver for Mac OS X 10.6 und 10.7 (driver version 1.4.0).

Usage with OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
The driver version 1.4.0 can also be installed under OS X Mountain Lion but we have not verified that it actually works (we assume it does, though). If you successfully use this driver with OS X Mountain Lion, please let us know.

If you see a warning during installation that the package has not been purchased from the Appstore and that the developer cannot be verified, the reason is that the package has not yet been signed by the manufacturer. You may install the package nonetheless by klicking once on the package while pressing the control key (ctrl). Then select "Open" from the context menu.

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR before March 2008, you are likely using an adapter from Manhattan, which uses a Prolific chip.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

There are various ways to try to find out what kind of USB serial adapters or what driver you are using.


The easiest way, of course, would be if you would remember, or would find the driver's installer package ;-)


If the adapter is connected to your Mac, the adapter's manufacturer as well as the chip set may be displayed in System Profiler (Apple menu -> About this Mac -> More Information). Please check under Hardware / USB.


The third option is to look for the installed driver. Typically the driver is located in /System/Library/Extensions.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdriver.kext", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "ProlificUsbSerial.kext", a Prolific driver is installed.

Depending on your driver's version, the kext file name may not be identical to this, but it should at least be similar.


The fourth way would be to look for the driver's installer package. The installer packages are located in /Library/Receipts. Double clicking the packages opens the installer, which should display the full name of the driver.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.pkg" (possibly including the OS name 'Tiger', Panther', or 'Snow Leopard')", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdrvr12GM.pkg" (possibly with a different version number)", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "PL2303_1.2.1.pkg" (possibly with a different version number)", a Prolific driver is installed.

New driver for Mac OS X Lion?

Some customers report that direct no longer works after an upgrade to Mac OS X Lion.

In some cases the driver of the USB serial adapters just needs to be reinstalled after the OS update. In other cases, a new driver version is required.

Since the adapter's manufacturers often only provide sparse information about OS compatibility of specific driver versions, we always recommend to use the update to Mac OS X Lion to also update your USB serial adapter' driver. Even in those cases where your current driver version seems to run under Mac OS X Lion.

Driver versions

Please first check what kind of USB serial adapter you are using. The important thing here is not the manufacturer of the adapter (of which there are many), but the manufacturer of the adapter's chip set.

We are aware of adapters with chip sets of three manufacturers: FTDI, Keyspan, and Prolific.

For some adapters TKR provides a support page (german language) with pictures of the adaptors.

Alternatively you can use our instructions at the end of this page to determine the type of USB serial adapter that you are using.

FTDI adapter

If you are using an adapter with an FTDI chip set (e.g. from DeLock or Digitus), please install FTDI's current driver version.

Here is FTDI's overview page. As of September 2011, the current driver version is 2.2.16. The three links for the different hardware architectures actually all point to the same driver, so it doesn't matter which link you use.

The installer disk image contains two packages: FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_3.mpkg and FTDIUSBSerialDriver_10_4_10_5_10_6.mpkg.

Please use the package that matches your Mac OS version. For Mac OS X Lion (10.7) please use the package for Mac OS X 10.6. The driver can be installed under Mac OS X Lion and seems to work properly.

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR in March 2008 or later, you are likely using an adapter from DeLock or Digitus, both of which use an FTDI chip.

Keyspan adapter

If you are using a Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS), please install the manufacturer Tripp Lite's current driver version.

Here is Tripp Lite's overview page. We needed to do a search by model number (top right) for "USA-19HS" in order to find the current drivers.

As of September 2011 the current driver version for Mac OS X 10.2 to 10.6 is 2.6.4. There is a beta driver for Mac OS X 10.7.

Prolific adapter

If you are using an adapter with a Prolific chip set (e.g. from Manhattan or Hama), please install Prolific's current driver version.

Here is Prolific's overview page. As of September 2011, the current driver version is 1.4.0 (

This driver supports all Mac OS X versions from 10.1 to 10.7 (Lion).

Tip: If you have purchased direct from TKR before March 2008, you are likely using an adapter from Manhattan, which uses a Prolific chip.

Which USB serial adapter do I have?

There are various ways to try to find out what kind of USB serial adapters or what driver you are using.


The easiest way, of course, would be if you would remember, or would find the driver's installer package ;-)


If the adapter is connected to your Mac, the adapter's manufacturer as well as the chip set may be displayed in System Profiler (Apple menu -> About this Mac -> More Information). Please check under Hardware / USB.


The third option is to look for the installed driver. Typically the driver is located in /System/Library/Extensions.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdriver.kext", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "ProlificUsbSerial.kext", a Prolific driver is installed.

Depending on your driver's version, the kext file name may not be identical to this, but it should at least be similar.


The fourth way would be to look for the driver's installer package. The installer packages are located in /Library/Receipts. Double clicking the packages opens the installer, which should display the full name of the driver.

If you find a file "FTDIUSBSerialDriver.pkg" (possibly including the OS name 'Tiger', Panther', or 'Snow Leopard')", an FTDI driver is installed.
If you find a file "KeyspanUSAdrvr12GM.pkg" (possibly with a different version number)", a Keyspan driver is installed.
If you find a file "PL2303_1.2.1.pkg" (possibly with a different version number)", a Prolific driver is installed.

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